Torda Lake, Porvorim’s Little Secret!

Torda Lake

Do you find sunsets mesmerising? And the sunsets that you witness around water bodies? Well, for me they are the most soothing ever. When we live in Goa, people from other cities always imagine us as chilling by the beach and catching those enchanting sunsets, there is no doubt that sunset by the beach is unmatched, but when you live in Goa, you know that there is a Goa beyond beaches that is as beautiful and serene.

In fact, this Goa beyond beaches is often calmer, more peaceful and tranquil, something that I personally enjoy. The best part, is you don’t have to go too far to look for such beautiful spots.

For me, one such spot is Torda Lake! I remember that almost 5 years ago, during one of my evening walks, I just stumbled upon this place. Whenever I used to walk, I walked with no particular agenda, or no route to follow, I just walked where the roads led me and ended up discovering beautiful roads and spots every single day. But Torda became special. The most special thing about it was the water body, I am a water baby. I find it the most calming and relaxing when I am around water. To find something as beautiful and serene as Torda in my neighbourhood was simply a boon for me. There are two sides to the lake, one towards the Salvador Do Mundo Panchayat and the other is like a smaller creek around Paitona, fondly known as Paitona Arc. I personally prefer this one since it’s even calmer.

Torda Lake 2

It became my regular spot for evening walks. It is exactly 2.5 km from my home, one way and these 5km walks were not just physically fulfilling but mentally refreshing too.

I would usually walk there around 5 PM, upon reaching there, I would just switch myself off from the world and quietly watch the sun go by, the birds return to their home, butterflies flutter around and spend almost an hour doing nothing. And I feel that sometimes doing nothing at all is so important for our mental health.

I have literally witnessed some of the most magical sunsets at this spot and for me, sitting here and watching the world go by is almost meditative. It was these quiet times that made me realize the importance of spending some quality time with yourself. In the daily grind of life, we often forget to spend time with ourselves. I feel it is just so important to just pause by and admire the smaller things in life, those flying birds, that dry leaf that just fell off a tree, that blooming flower bud, or that beautiful sun that sets every day with a promise of rising tomorrow and be grateful for this stunning work of art that God has created in the form of nature.

On some days, it would mean for me to just sit there and catch the sunset while listening to my favourite songs, wearing my headphones while on others I would chat to random people who also came for walks, watch the local folk, fishing and sometimes even play with people’s dogs. For me, each day was as fulfilling as it could be, as meditative as it could be and as beautiful as it could be.

Torda Lake 1

Every season made the place look different and beautiful in its own way. From lush greens to wet roads during monsoons, from sunny skies to rainbows, I have seen Torda in all its glory.

Although Torda is located very much in the city of Porvorim, it always greets you with calming clean waters, a gentle breeze and a quiet environment away from all the hustle-bustle.

For me Torda was, is and will always remain one of my favourite evening walk spots. But even if you live a little far, a ride to Torda won’t disappoint you. I have actually seen people coming from far away places, parking their bikes & cars, then walking around the lake and enjoying its natural beauty.

So if you still haven’t been here, it’s the time!

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