5 Healthy Food Trends You Must Adopt in 2022

Healthy Food Trends

Food is something that provides energy and nutrients and we have been realizing this the hard way for the last two years. The pandemic taught us the curative effect of food on our physical and mental health.

As the world enters the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic, here are 5 trends in food that will escalate the nutritive levels in our body and help us maintain our health. Uma Prasad of The Organic World shares with us her top 5 food trends for this year.

Hand-Churned Ghee

The traditional and healthy process of extracting ghee from makhan derived from curd has more nutritional values than those prepared with artificial cream and fat by manufacturers. 

The use of chemicals and heat in this process may reduce the nutritive worth of ghee, compared to the traditional hand-churned ghee. 

Today, with growing awareness about raw materials and processes that impact the quality and nutrition of food, pure, hand-churned ghee is set returning across homes and kitchens. 

Several grocers, stocking clean and organic foods, are already offering home-churned ghee on their shelves.

Homemade Ingredients

Food ingredients sourced miles away are often high on chemicals and preservatives so as to keep them fresh. On the other hand, locally-grown food can reach you within hours of being picked.

Its natural goodness and nutrient value are uncontaminated by chemicals. But we should also make sure that the freshly plucked is used sooner, as with hours, the cells would shrink and the nutrients may deplete and the freshness may reduce.

Wholesome and Traditional Snacks

Nuts and seeds are good sources of protein, healthy fats, fibres, vitamins, and minerals. They are some of the most powerful immunity-boosting foods. 

Most of out traditional snacks are all made of vitamin rich and immunity boosting nuts. For instance, jaggery, an extensive blood purifier, and gond, a strong source of Vitamin D, are frequently used as binding ingredients in traditional winter snack recipes to restore strength and vitality.

Organic and Clean Foods

An increasing number of manufacturers are replacing organic components and values with artificial chemicals and preservatives. Be it organic and clean, these added chemicals deplete the nutritional value of those rich food. And consumers are no behind in buying and having these artificial nutrients. It is important for everyone to choose food that is transparent, natural and understand the harmful effects of chemical laden ingredients.

Cold-Pressed oils for Everyday Cooking

Cold-pressed oils are derived by crushing seeds and nuts at a slow speed and at room temperature to release optimal output, without damaging their innate flavour or nutrition. This way, the oil retains its maximum goodness.

This is entirely different when it’s processed in high temperatures for quick and high-volume output. They lose their natural properties, including nutritive elements. Also, they have to undergo processes such as hydrogenation, which change the natural chemical composition of oils, including good fats. This poses health risks, particularly when such oils are consumed on a regular basis.

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Photo by Nathan Cowley

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