5 DIY Health Boosting Wellness Shots

5 DIY Health Boosting Wellness Shots

In today’s hectic life one is really short of time and especially so in the mornings, so much so that you even skip your breakfast at most times. So what is the healthy way out? Well, how about a shot? No! No! Not tequila shots but some healthy wellness elixirs or shots as one calls them. 

They are the handiest picks that you can even prepare at night, refrigerate and gulp one down before rushing for your office. Mind it, it’s not a meal but a quick way to get a hefty dose of nutrients important for your body. Some of the DIY wellness shots are:

1. Ginger Immunity Shots

Ginger Immunity Shots

Spicy Ginger is probably the best way to decelerate cold or flu.

Take half a green apple

One Lemon

A teaspoon of turmeric powder

A pinch of black pepper and 1/3 knob or one teaspoon of ginger powder. Juice all the ingredients into a small glass and pour them down your throat.

2. Pineapple-Turmeric Gut Shots

Pineapple-Turmeric Shots

As you must be aware drinking pineapple cider vinegar is beneficial for your gut health and reduces inflammation.

Take one cup of fresh pineapple juice

One tablespoon ground turmeric

One tablespoon raw apple cider vinegar

¼ teaspoon of sea salt.

Mix everything with a splash of water and drink it

3. Spinach, Lemon, Green Apple Shots

Spinach, Lemon, Green Apple Shots

For a healthy daily dose of Vitamin K which helps keep your bones healthy and an important intake of greens in your diet just take three large handfuls of spinach, squeeze ¼ of lemon and one green apple and gulp it down your throat.

4. Immune-boosting Grapefruit Juice

Grapefruit Juice

Juice your grapefruits with some fresh strawberries, ginger and mint leave to make yourself a power shot full of Vitamin C and a thirst-quenching shot. For some more flavour of the mint, you may even muddle some at the bottom of the elixir.

5. Wheatgrass antioxidant Shots:

Wheatgrass antioxidant Shots

Wheatgrass has been known to be rich in Vitamins C and E as also in Flavonoids, Chlorophyll and has potent cancer-fighting properties.

One packed cup of juiced wheatgrass

One oz fresh coconut water to replenish electrolytes to balance off the earthy grassiness with its sweetness.

Down your throat for health and immunity.

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