Deo Borem Korum From ‘Mog Asun’ Goa’s Newly Found Whisky Love!

Mog Asun Main

Two commonly used greetings by Goans are- Dev borem korum(God bless, or may God do you some good!) and Mog Asuni(Let there be love (between us)- said like a goodbye.

On 24th June 2019, Anand Pardeshi, a former Seagrams and ABD state head, and Keith Fernandes, CEO of Slipdisc Advertising, met for drinks and decided it was time Goa had its own Whisky. Goa, as everyone knows, is famous for Caju Feni. Several names were considered and they settled for Mog Asun, a shortened version of Mog Asuni. They contacted their graphic designer friend Bina Nayak. She quickly designed the logo and packaging to reflect Goan heritage by using a colour palette and motifs inspired by Goa’s famed Azulejos tiles. The next step was to get the right blend. Mog Asun is made by blending imported malts from Scotland and selected local grain spirits. It is matured to fulness in Oakwood barrels.

Feb 2020-Soft Launch

Anand Pardeshi had worked relentlessly for a year, procuring the blend, establishing a bottlers and distributors network, and working on the marketing and advertising strategy—all with the aim to put Mog Asun on every Goan table. 14th February-Valentine’s Day was perfect to soft launch this brand epitomizing love. Advertising that targeted domestic and international tourists made everyone eager with anticipation. Mog Asun was exhibited at a food festival in Panjim to rave reviews. Tourists at the festival bought it as a memento of their Goa holiday, whereas locals bought it as a matter of pride and joy that there was finally a Goan Whisky brand. With the soft launch a huge success, Mog Asun waited for the domestic tourist season in April.

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A beneficiary of ‘Atmanirbhar’in Covid times

Mog Asun was in liquor stores in March 2020, but just a few weeks later the pandemic hit and the country went into lockdown mode. It seemed like bad timing, especially after investing so much money, time and effort into the product. As months passed in quarantine, people got tired of being locked in and there was talk of opening liquor stores in one of the several ‘unlocks’. Meanwhile, the honourable PM spoke about the importance of being self-sufficient- ‘atmanirbhar’ and the need to promote ‘local’. ‘Vocal for Local’ is the new mantra in India today. In just a few months the world changed its focus from promoting global to depending on local as all trade and movement of goods and people came to a halt.

As liquor stores opened in Goa, people made a beeline for Mog Asun. Goans wanted to celebrate in gratitude for being in a safe zone with their very own whisky. Mog Asun started flying off the shelves and there was a demand for a smaller-sized bottles. Now available in 750ml, soon it will be launched in180ml.

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This unique whisky that symbolizes love is just what you need to banish the Covid-19 blues! Drink Mog Asun and love life!

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